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World Peace, Can Bitcoin End War and Devistating Conflicts?

Bitcoin has been hailed as a potential peacemaker, with some experts arguing that it could help to reduce conflict and instability around the world. In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of Bitcoin for peace, as well as some of the challenges that need to be overcome before Bitcoin can become a truly global currency.

Inflation of Fiat Currencies is Theft

One of the main arguments in favor of Bitcoin is that it is a decentralized currency, which means that it is not subject to government control. This is in contrast to fiat currencies, which are issued by governments and can be inflated at will.

Inflation is a tax on people who hold fiat currencies. When the government prints more money, the value of each dollar decreases. This means that people who hold dollars see their purchasing power decrease over time.

For example, if you have $100 in cash today, and the inflation rate is 2%, then your $100 will only be worth $98 in a year. This is because the government has printed more money, which has diluted the value of each dollar.

Inflation is a form of theft because it takes money away from people without their consent. It is also a regressive tax, which means that it hurts the poor more than the rich. This is because the poor tend to hold more of their wealth in cash, which is more vulnerable to inflation.

Over time, inflation actually incentivizes bad actors in society.

  • Imagine a politician trying to be elected by promising their constituents the world. With the power of the money printer and endless debt created by inflationary policies, the politician can simply pass the buck on to the next generation.
  • Imagine a mature corporation with solid market capitalization trying to hit profit goals. As the money is debased over time the corporation is faced with a choice either to increase efficiency, reduce product quality, or face guaranteed loss of profits.
  • Imagine the senior citizen living off a fixed income.

Bitcoin as a Peacemaker

Bitcoin will reduce conflict and instability in the world for a number of reasons.

As indicated above, Bitcoin can help to reduce reliance on fiat currencies. Fiat currencies are a tool of war. Governments can print more money to finance their wars, which can lead to inflation and economic instability. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a decentralized currency that is not subject to government control. This means that it cannot be used to finance wars, which could help to reduce conflict. Want to go to war? You are going to need massive public support!

Bitcoin can also help to increase transparency. All Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger, which makes it more difficult for governments to hide their activities. This could help to reduce corruption and the risk of wars being fought over resources. No more 5600-page spending bills to increase debt ceilings and fund wars across the seas.

Property Rights and Peace

Property rights are essential for peace. When people have secure property rights, they can invest in their property and make long-term plans. This can lead to economic development and prosperity, which can help to reduce conflict.

In various nations of the world, property rights have often been insecure. This has led to conflict, as people have fought to protect their property. Property rights serve as a foundation of wealth. According to the World Bank, a nation’s property Rights help secure the following

  • Agriculture to Feed the Hungry
  • Make Urban Development Possible
  • Help Protect the Environment
  • Critical for Job Creation and Private Sector Development
  • Important for Protecting Women
  • Secure the Rights of Indigenous Populations
  • Vital for Keeping Peace*

Bitcoin can help to secure property rights. Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, which means that it is not subject to government control. This makes it difficult for governments to confiscate property that is held in Bitcoin.


Bitcoin can also help to reduce corruption. When property rights are secure, there is less incentive for corruption. This is because people know that they will not be able to steal property without being caught.

Property rights secured through Bitcoin can help to bring peace. Bitcoin can help to secure property rights, reduce corruption, and promote economic development. These factors can all help to reduce conflict and promote peace.

Here are some additional ways in which Bitcoin can help to secure property rights:

  • Transparency: All Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger, which makes it difficult for people to steal property without being caught.
  • Immutability: Once a Bitcoin transaction is recorded on the ledger, it cannot be changed. This makes it difficult for people to forge documents or change ownership records.
  • Anonymity: Bitcoin transactions can be made anonymously, which can protect people from retaliation if they are trying to assert their property rights.

Borderless Payment Systems and Increased Trade

Bitcoin is a borderless payment system, which means that it can be used to make payments anywhere in the world without the need for a third party, such as a bank. This makes it much easier for businesses to trade with each other across borders.

In the past, businesses had to use traditional payment systems, such as wire transfers and credit cards, to make payments across borders. These payment systems are often expensive and slow, which can make it difficult for businesses to trade with each other.

Bitcoin is a much cheaper and faster way to make payments across borders. This could lead to increased trade between countries, which could help to reduce conflict.

Increased Trade and More Peace

There is a strong correlation between increased trade and more peace. Countries that trade more with each other are less likely to go to war.

There are a few reasons for this. First, trade creates interdependence between countries. This means that countries have a vested interest in maintaining peace with each other, as war would disrupt trade and hurt their economies.

Second, trade can help to reduce poverty and inequality. This can lead to more stable societies, which are less likely to erupt in violence.

Third, trade can help to build trust and understanding between cultures. This can help to reduce tensions and prevent conflict.

Challenges to Bitcoin

While Bitcoin has the potential to be a powerful tool for peace, there are also some challenges that need to be overcome before Bitcoin can become a truly global currency.

One challenge is volatility. Bitcoin is a very volatile asset, which means that its price can fluctuate wildly. This makes it difficult to use Bitcoin as a reliable store of value or medium of exchange. I can’t see the peacemaking aspects of Bitcoin come to full fruition until volatility decreases.

Secondly, governments around the world are still trying to figure out how to regulate Bitcoin. Spoiler alert, Bitcoin can be regulated but cannot be controlled by one government or entity. A clear and stable regulatory frame work for Bitcoin would facilitate the best outcome to ensure people across the world are free to transact as they please.


Overall, Bitcoin is a powerful tool for peace. As the world begins to operate on a Bitcoin standard we will see less wars, less oppression, and less corruption. Does this mean Bitcoin fixes human nature? No, I don’t believe Bitcoin can stop all wars and conflicts. However, I don’t think it is a far stretch to conclude that Bitcoin will be the most powerful tool for peace the world has seen in centuries.

Please read our disclaimer here regarding investment advice and risk. Disclaimer: This should not be construed as or relied upon in any manner as investment, legal, tax, or other advice. Please consult an appropriate tax or financial professional to understand your personal tax and financial circumstances. I may get compensated by some platforms mentioned below (because of referral links). Do your own research.

  • Source –,a%20critical%20foundation%20for%20reconstruction.

One response to “World Peace, Can Bitcoin End War and Devistating Conflicts?”

  1. […] Bitcoin advocate Max Kesier coined the term, “Hash War” which describes a future state in which nations jockey over control of the Bitcoin Network. Fortunately, Bitcoin cannot be controlled by anyone actor or nation which will hopefully bring about a more peaceful world. Read my article here on Can Bitcoin bring world peace? […]