Why Bitcoin Conferences Will Get Worse & Worse

I remember being on the edge of my seat listening to Jack Mallers bring the keynote speech at the Bitcoin Conference in Miami 2021.

Everything about the speech was epic.

It was the shot that Bitcoin made that was heard around the world.

El Salvador was making Bitcoin legal tender.

I remember feeling that as Bitcoiners we had won. A Nation State is adopting Bitcoin this is the new we had been waiting for. And indeed it was electric.

Bitcoin Conference 2023 Review

And here I am writing a short post on the conference of 2023 but on by Bitcoin Magazine. Did I attend in person?

Heck no, I’m just pleb with kids.

Did I watch and listen intently for the most of the good content? Yep.

The Good at Bitcoin Conference 2023

The highlight of the conference to me was Robert Kennedy Jr. A presidential hopeful giving an electrifying talk about how Bitcoin is import for America. It was right on.

Granted he’s a politician. However, hearing this from someone who actually could have some kind of run at it, is pretty exciting. Here is the full speech below.

Saifedean Ammous always brings some fire as he talks Economics and Max Keiser is a true O.G..

There were many other good speakers including Michael Saylor and Lynn Alden but they didn’t have the chance to go as indepth as they might on a solid podcast.

The Bad. Bitcoin Conference 2023

There was also some major cringe.

Ordinals. FTX.

At times during the conference it didn’t feel like a Bitcoin conference with the mention of the topics above. I won’t bore you with the details, needless to say I don’t need to hear about that stuff anymore. I’m done.

The Future of Bitcoin Conferences

The ultimate reason I’m writing this post is the idea around the future of Bitcoin conferences is likely not promising.

We live in a small sliver of time in the history of mankind that a Bitcoin conference might make sense. And that is cool I love it! However, if you take Bitcoin adoption to it’s inevitable end, conferences will continually get worse and worse.

However, as Bitcoin adoption continues to it’s inevitable end, this idea won’t make any sense.

By default every Bitcoin Conference will continually get more and more unnecessary as the money is adopted.

Granted Bitcoin is both a technology and money. The technology aspect could warrant a conference but if we are being honest the tech behind Bitcoin is a little intentionally dull and unexciting.

The Bitcoin Conferences of the Future

What do you think the Bitcoin Conferences of the future will be like? Here are some ideas

  • Energy conferences. Basically the whole thing will be integrated with energy production. (Not exactly Mallers leading the Monetary freedom fighters of Central America)
  • If Jason Lawry is right, it could be part of the military industrial complex conference on defense and infrastructure. Talk about a snooze fest.
  • No conference at all. Why would you have a conference to talk about the base layer of money. Likely will be an investor conferences like real estate or gold in our current setup as the money continues to pour into the asset.
  • Mini Tech conferences dedicated to application built on top of Bitcoin.

What else? All I know is Bitcoin is likely about to get really exciting for the next 5-10 years then just roll on on the background. Cheers.

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